Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today we are corporately fasting.

It was easier this afternoon and morning. but its starting to get harder.
my body now is like NEEED FOOOD.

and i have to be like.. No, im going to worhisp the Lord through this fast. Food does not control me.

Matthew 4:4 "for man does not live on bread alone but on every word of God."

i also found out some interesting facts about fasting.
after the first or second day of fasting your digestive system with stop wanting food and burning fat. Which will give you more energy and send more blood flowing to your brain. Which makes your senses alot more aware and strong. also it makes you more able to tune into the Lord because your completely surrendering to him and nothing gets in the way. When you fast it really reveals what controls you and your habbits and sinful nature really surface. Its such a cleansing process and i cant wait to fast more often. I want to know the Lord so much better and just focus on him completey. He is so good...

Were going to have a fasting LTE soon which will be 3 days.

anyways, i have some free time before service tonight so i thought i'd update.

also if you get a chance.. go to and listen to the ihop prayer service or the link in the middle on wednesdsay nights.. its live worship you can watch. its good. (ihop = international house of prayer in kansas)

goodnight, God bless!

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