Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God is good all the time

hey everyone!! its been a while since my last post. so i would just like to update you guys, unfortunately i have team time right now with my GE call center. so after that tonight i will update :)


Everything has been crazy and so fast paced recently. Hence why i haven't updated in so long! But the honor academy life is going well.
we finally found out our brother core :) after corporate one morning they made us/served us pancakes for breakfast (which was very fancy compared to what the cafe wouldve offered us - bagels and oatmeal). were going to start doing outreaches with them and having prayer/worship times :) which i can't wait for!

In the GE call center i am finally on the phones. yesterday was my first day. and it went really well!! i talked to about 10 people and just got to know them and build relationships :)

and today has been a little more difficult. i woke up and just felt defeated.. it was one of those hard days where i could just feel the enemy working against me and i had to work extra hard to act not in my flesh. ?I didn't feel as enthusiastic on the phones as i had yesterday and i felt alot more nervous because i was unsure of the information i was giving my missionaries but the Lord is good. He's faithful to the end. even though i struggled through the work day before dinner, after dinner he refreshed me. and i realized that even though i wanted to give up and break down and that my brain was on overload.. if i just pressed through and pursued my missionaries - i didn't have to worry about communicating wrong information because he would help me through it and bring me the right information. and he so did! i was really nervous about talking to parents of the missionaries and especially about flights.. but God provided me with the right answers and basicly worked through me. which was so good.

He never ceases to amaze me.

whenever i get worried or anxious before a call i look to phillipians 4:6-7. look it up.. its good word!

Tomorrow is our first campus fasting day.. i know that it'll be really good and i except to really hear the Lord..but i am kind of nervous because i haven't fasted food before. i mean i fasted facebook..and makeup..but never food. But (again) i know the Lord is faithful and he'll provide the BREAD OF LIFE for me. :)
so be praying for that!

Also, classes have been going well. i have about 6 books to read now for my classes..craaaaazy. but good!! i love reading :)

have you ever had that feeling of being overpowered with love? yesterday i woke up and everything that happened that day i could just feel the love of God and how jeaous he was for me. My eyes were opened to every blessing he poured out and every little thing he did for me. It blows my mind how amazing he is. and how he would care so much for me.. when i am so prone to wander and so stubborn!

I came to the sense that i love being protected.. and i know God put that desire in my heart.. to be protected. by either friends. a future husband. family. and God. God especially he's my ultimate protector and who better to trust my life to than the one who gave me life.

I went to the local dairy queen the other day! i had a midnight truffle blizzard! it was BOMB. so good :) i missed having dairyqueen close. im going again tonight..praise God! :)

have a blessed night.. press into the Lord, he's good and trustworthy.

God bless! :)

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