Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally Here.

It's 2010 and im finally at the honor academy. Crazy? tell me about it.

its my second day and i can already tel ive learned so much since i came. I moved into my dorm (pictures will come soon) and i met new friends/girls in my core. ive at in the cafeteria. have sessions in the auditorium. Ran 2 laps around the campus this morning, had corporate. Intense worship sessions. Took a 5 min shower. Slept in a bunk bed. Woke up at 430. Yea.. its been crazy. thats why i haven't been able to update my blog until now. i only have a little time though before dinner and the rest of sessions.

I miss you guys so much. i thought id be home sick (i am) but since im soo busy all the time now (we go from one event to another to eating, to sleeping) i haven't had to time to think about how much i love and miss you guys. but i do ever so much. especially after checking my facebook now. :( Thank you God (and daddy) for giving me this laptop so i can communicate with ya'll!!

Well. we are in gauntlet week. which means we have to wear our uniforms or office attire (nice dress) for the rest of htis week. we can't have sweets (except for one day, we get to choose) and we can't text. unless its to family. soooo if you want to get a hold of me call or facebook me :) or email me!! emails would be wonderful >> laurahaase2@gmail.com
we are also not aloud to leave campus this first week. its the process of seperating ourself from the world in order to completely focus on the Lord. but after this week will start the beginning of orange block which will last until the end of january. in orange block we have intense sessions and workouts and finding our work placement.  but we are able to leave. so im planning on coming back not this coming weekend..but the next! :)

i already have mushy-day syndrome. where all the days seem to mush together and i forget what day and time it is.

this experience is so good though. im realizing just what God wants to work on me with this year. and what he wants me to accomplish. I know that this time is focused on him and thats what intend on doing with it. even though this next month wil be rough, it will be well worth it. God is good and hes going to teach me how to seperate myself.. focus completely on him, and then concentrate on him when i return.

there are so many people here.. and the August interns are really sweet. Boys open doors for us and get us drinks at meals. We are taugh to be respectful.. on time. disciplined and lady like.

one thing that has stuck with me since last night - that i needed to work on is :
being early is on time.. on time is late.. and late is unexpectable.

i can already see myself working on that.. i am early to alot of things here now. its crazy!

anyways! thank you to everyone who is encouraging me and is supporting me! i so appreciate it!
For the month of february i am need to get 800, but i know hte Lord will provide some how some way. :)

I love you guys so much, and i can't wait until i can visit you guys! it still doesn't seem real to me that THIS is my home for the  year... haha :)

God bless!

ps. email or call me!!

1 comment:

  1. I just read through your whole blog, Laura, and enjoyed it. Is the Honor Academy in Texas? I am so happy you are following your calling. My cousin's son Scott is a missionary in Mexico. He used to do Ministry work in Pensacola, Florida to drug users. He really loves his work. He is married and has 3 children. I think of you often and pray for you too!
