Wednesday, January 13, 2010


"Lord do what you want, if you want to change everything then do so. you know whats best"
"You know that its going to be hard right?"
"i guess. you'll be with me though right?"
"of course. dont be afraid. i am with you when you pass through the waters and the fire. they will not touch you. stay focused on me. things are about to get rearranged.. and remember you did ask me to do this."

well. thats how my convo went this past few days. and i guess i didn't really realize how dramatically things were going to change. My first week here - i was placed in a gauntlet core. which is only temporary until the week after gauntlet. two days ago we were brought together to find out who are permanent core is. the 4 girls i was really close with from my gauntlet core ( Courtney, Emily, Joy, Rihanna) we got seperated. I was in the Carey Dorm House, and i got moved to Green Dorm House. which is nice.. to be honest. Green dorm is set up more like an apartment or a university dorm. and carey was set up more like a summer camp layout. so thats ok :)
but i got moved into a whole new core. Cat was my gauntlet Core Advisor. and now my Core Advisor is Brittany. Shes really sweet and i am really excited to have her. The girls in my core (and in my room) are very...sanguine (ill explain this later). which is another word for crazy and outgoing. It's going to be a stretching experience because i realized im a little farther ahead of htem in my walk then they are. but maybe Gods going to use me to help them grow, and also use them to help me grow. which is what i wanted. haha

im not going to lie haha (lying is one of our tennets "i will not lie, because lying is the intent to decieve. i will speak truthfully") my heart was pretty broken when i found out i was moving cores :( i wanted to stay with my core. But i told God that if he wanted to move me..he could. and thats what he did. i know this wil work out for my good though. (Romans 8:28)

Last night we had our commitment banquet. which was a banquet held where we stated our commitments to stay the whole year at the honor academy, to serve the Lord, keep our commitments, and work at everything as working for God and not man. So i am officially a January intern.. and commited! :) i also think i know who my brother core is..but my CA(core advisor) wont tell us forsure who they are yet. :( buuut most of the cores at the banquet sat with their brother cores and we sat with a brother core so im pretty sure im right. haha :P
Saturday is our core day (we have an adopted core mom, picked by brittany) and we are going to her house (she lives around here) on saturday. :) and were going to have our sugar day saturday too. which will be sososososo nice!! i cant wait to have sugar again :)

oh speaking of which! after the banquet yesterday we had a faculty basketball game (interns won :D) and then we had free time because our curfew was moved from 11pm to 12am. So Courtney, Joy, Emily, Chase and Evan (my new friends) went to sonic at like 1130. it was sooooo nice to have normal food for once :) i mean. dont get my wrong. i love the cafeteria food, they do a beautiful job of preparing food and feeding us. but sometimes you just miss the fast food :P

Today we found out where our ministry placement is. I am officially a GE call center intern. i work in the GE call center and call interns around the country who have written on a card at aquire the fire or battlecry events that they would be interested in going on a GE mission trip. So i will be calling them, encouraging them, and making sure all their plans get worked out. :)
so far ive heard that working in the GE call center is the best job here. so next monday ill be able to find out if thats true or not :P

I had a feeling that God would put me in GE call center. and i was resisting it, because i didn't want to have to do something like that..cause it was kind of out of my comfort zone. but he is oh so faithful to push me of my CZ. haha :) but thats ok, he told me before i came that i was going to be stretched and pushed and have to come out of my comfort zone.

So thats whats going on in my life in the past few days. :)
were done with gauntlet week, so we can leave campus (but not over night) but were still in orange block. which means no secular music, and one sugar day per week.

Also! they have a dance team here. called potters desire. they do hiphop and modern. im trying out for that on monday :) ill be posting a video of a dance they did soon.

ya'll have a blessed day :)

ps. if you call me or text patient. my phone has horrible reception out here. and if you call - leave a voice message :)

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