Friday, January 8, 2010

Goodmorning :)
we didn't have corporate today because it was too cold out! :P which was good and bad. because i kinda wish i had worked out this morning.
We got to sleep in until about 7 and then had breakfast and worship. :)
I had my interview for my workplacement today. we had to do a fake phone call in the call center. you could do one for aquire the fire, or you could do one to invite extreme campers, or missionaries for global expeditions. i went with the global expeditions one because it was the one i was most familiar with since i went on a mission trip with them this past summer. and it was a little rocky but i think it went well over all. the girl that examined my call afterwards said that i did well. sooooo if i do get a job at the global expeidtions call center i will probably have to have a B shift at work. which means ill have to work form 2 to 10 instead of in the morning.. which i would rather work in the morning. but God told me i was going to be stretched so i might have to do B shift. if i have B shift though i wil have to switch core groups (a core is a group of 10 to 15 girls that meet together every week and have devotionals. this is like our family away from family.) because our core for this week is temporary until we know our permanent one. i made some friends and i hope i dont have to move, but God knows what is good for me. and if moving and having a night shift is what it takes to break and remold me.. then bring it on! :)
have to go to session now, have a blesssed day!

1 comment:

  1. It is so cool to see your attitude toward God and what He is doing. This is such a unique opportunity to physically set yourself apart from the world and to set yourself apart TO God. Praying for you always!
