Sunday, January 17, 2010

i love sunny days.

So i came home today! Sol came with me :) we left at like 7am this morning and went to church at CCLC. its good to be home. :) i got lots of snacks and goodies to take back too. speaking of which..if anyone ever happens to make goodies.. and think hmmm.. i need to get rid of these, send them my way!! :P

btw my address is :
Laura Haase
PO box 2010 920#
Garden Valley, TX 75771-2010

I went to mcdonalds with sol this morning when we got into town and it was so interesting. I noticed alot of things. 1) alot of old people go to mcdonalds in the morning 2)there jelly has sugar in it 3)they play secular music.. like rihanna 4)the only sugar free drink they have is water.

i also become very aware of how i present myself, what i say, and how i act when i step off of the Honor Academy campus.. because i represent the HA. and if i do something wrong or act a certain way that person will assume everyone at HA acts like me. which is not the image we need to create.. because its not true.
Which brings me to realize that just like how i represent the HA when im off campus.. we as christians represent Christ, shouldn't we be that sweet fragrance to everyone around us? When they see us, talk to us, hang out with us, shouldn't we pointing them to the Lord. Shouldn't our actions reflect the one we serve? Are your actions proving that to be true?
it really opened up my eyes..
I represent the Most High King. and if my actions dont reflect my words then i pray that you guys will keep my accountable.

I got to spend my morning and most of my afternoon with my mom. I missed her alot, and im really glad i got to see her :) she actually came to church with me too.

Yesterday we had core day, and we went to our core moms house :) She's so sweet! she spoiled us with baked goods and incredible food. which i am BEYOND thankful for! and her house was adorable. we also go to watch a night with the king, which is an awesome movie (i recommend it). I enjoyed my time with my core girls and i can't wait to have more core nights and get to grow with them.

Well, i will write more next time im in the cafeteria. i have to go pack up the rest of my stuff and head back to campus/church at 345. we have a speaker speaking at the CCF church near by about spriritual warefare. i have a feeling its going to be good, and the Lord is going to help us prepare our minds for this year.

have a blessed night! :)

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