Thursday, January 7, 2010

Casting down idols and Elite Warriors

Yesterday-day 3 (1/6/10)

I have officially memorized the Teen Mania mission statement. It is .. “our heartbeat is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take his life-giving message to the ends of the earth.”

We had a session over quiet times and Casting down Idols/Elite warriors. Both sessions were really good, and I actually stayed awake through them! Its been so hard to stay awake during sessions. Th e waking up early, working out, constant walking and running from place to place, has worn me out but its also the enemy trying to keep me from listening! Which we also learning about embracing those times and taking them as an opportunity to endure and to grow in patience.

I definitely feel like a college kid with this lap top. All professional like. Sitting in my dorm living room area. Writing my blog.. YAY!! Hahaha :P

Tomorrow I have an interview with the staff to figure out where my ministry placement will be. It will either be in the call center, cafeteria, mail room, janitorial staff, ect. Some of the august interns have tried to scare us about the interviews, but I think it’ll be great. :) i was struggling with where I would work because I know wher e I would NOT like to work. But I know the Lord always uses things that I don’t like to shape and teach me to endure. Which have become my themes for this year.. coming out of my comfort zone and enduring hard times.

Looking at this year seems like looking up at a huge mountain from the bottem with a rope and wondering how in the world I am going to get up it. But I know it’ll just take trust, strength, and strategy. Also reliance on the Lord.

Today-day 4 (1-7-09)
Thank the Lord for down time. we had corporate this morning..which was pretty tiring. and then we ran half a mile in the rain in 37 degree weather.. and nooo they did not forcue us to do it. we decided that like Paul we will "make our bodies our slaves". i need to get in shape and force myself to endure the exercise that my body is screaming at me to do. but it feels so good :) after corporate we had breakfast, and then we had shower time. then from 9 to 1230 we had free time/interview time. i had my interview with the staff to figure out where my interwork placement should be. i told htem i was a morning person so hopefully ill be getting morning shifts. i have an idea of where God is going to place me.. and i REALLY dont want to work there, but who knows. God knows what will stretch me and where i need to work (he didnt tell me this is a year of new experiences for nothing!) and now we are having lunch. and then we have free time again until 430.. bless the Lord! and then we have dinner and another session aftter that. Its so cold outside. we walk outside and our faces are pretty frozen just from walking outside for 3 mins from one builiding to the other!
anyways, im going to socialize now and not be stuck on the internet :)
keep me in my prayers.. im praying for ya'll as well! love you guys!!!

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