Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've officially been at the honor academy for almost a full week. and im very excited to say that ive already experienced and changed more than i thought i ever would in one week. It's incredible what being around a group of other christians who's purpose and desire is to worship the Lord, and grow into the man or woman he calls us to be. To be around people with the same passions as you is so uplifting and to be kinda like.. heaven on earth. because thats what we will be doing there anyways right? worshipping and fellowshipping?

I am very excited about a group here called potters desire. They are the dance team on campus and they do modern and hiphop dance. they have tryouts soon, and im also very excited because ive met multiple girls and guys who are january interns who are going to try out as well. what more can i ask for than to worship the Lord through hiphop dancing??! :)

Last night they let us out of session early (as a treat) and my sister core and brother core got to leave campus (also a treat!) and go to this mexican restuarant in tyler called Pasados. It was so nice to have real food! not that food here isn't real.. its just nice to have normal food, you know? haha :) but we went and it was an eye opener. I had been surrounded but so many other christians and we aren't aloud to cuss or say anything that is not uplifting. and to go out of the HA and to an outside restuarant just opened my eyes to see how hurting, and how desensitized people are in this world. It hurt my heart too. Just to sit there and watch these people who have such broken lives but won't turn to the one who can fix them. It gave me even more of a desire to get into the midst of the world and just be the light, and to uplift people and pour love into them.

PTL.. we also did not have to have coporate this morning.. theyre so spoiling us ;)

We did ropes course today, which we all got into groups and went to the back 40. which is the back acres of campus in the woods. they had all these rope courses which taught us team work and leadership skills. They were also just events to get us to know eachother better. We had alot of fun with them, but the red dirt out here is evil! hahha

Tomorrow we find out who are permanent core is and our ministry placement (work place) is. We are also going to be introduced to all the electives we can do .. like potters desire (dance team), shattered clay (human video), and some others that i cant currently remember.

Anyways, i thought i'd do a quick update because i have some time before session starts tonight. :)
i hope everyone is doing well!! i can't wait to see all you guys again. love you!! :)

1 comment:


    I don't know what the best way to get ahold of you is, but look at this blog. I read it and thought of you
