Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Too fast, too soon.

Title describes everything right now. Too fast - too soon. january is almost over and i feel like its going by too fast already. which i guess is typical at the HA (should've known, haha) but its just crazy.

Last night i got off of work at 7 and went to bed at 8. it was wonderful :) i was going to try out for potters desire, but i was afraid that my schedule would be way too overwelmed. I becamse an ACA (which is a assistant core advisor) and we have classes on thursday, then i have ministry placement from 2 to 9 every week day, and then on top of that i have my elective classes - new testament survey, portfolio papers, and great books. Also on top of that we have core days, core family days and events, and LTE's. soo i figured ill see how this semester goes and then if its not too bad ill probably try out for potters desire in august. :)

I got introduced to my new classes yesterday morning. Portfolio papers should be exciting. We right papers (like a normal college freshman english class) but we do them over events and topics we have here. It will also teach us how correctly write a paper, and teach us discipline in this area. The other one i took is Great books. Were going to be reading : Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, Screw Tape Letters by CS Lewis, The Pilgramage, and Gaining Favor with God and Man. we have to purchase these books on our own, but our teacher assistant told us yesterday that we will be able to borrow two of the books from a local warehouse and then we can get the other two for a combined total of 20 bucks. which is REALLY good. PraiseGod!

OH! So i told you all that i was put into the GE Call Center. and in the call center there is 4 different groups : PROMO (we promote and ask people if they want to go on a mission trip), Acceptance (goes through the financial and acceptance process), Encouragement (calls the missionaries weekly and encourages them, answers questions, helps them with putting together fundraisers, and basicly encourages them until they get here for training) and Groups (which calls church to go on GE mission trips.) Well all Januarys started in PROMO and a few got moved to acceptance and finance. Yesterday me and 4 other januarys got pulled out (before our test.. WOOP!) and informed that we were going to be transferring to the encouragement team. Ever since i thought about working with GE ive been wanting to do encouragement, and God made that happen for me :) i'm so hyped! we also get brain food during training which is the BOMB. :P

It's cloudy and rainy here today. But the weather is nice, not too cold, not too warm. I just wish it was a little sunnier.

if you want to send me a package THIS is the actualy address (i missed a few words on the last blog)

Laura Haase
PO BOX 2010 CPO#920
Garden Valley TX 75771-2010

For a letter send it to:

Laura Haase
22392 FM 16 W
Garden Valley, TX 75771

Heres a good quote i heard yesterday from my Portfolio Papers teacher:
"Blessed are the flexible for they will never be bent out of shape."
she was saying that too us in the sense of how we should be prepared and flexible when it comes to schedules and such.
thought it was good :)

Yesterday we also had world view class which is taught by David Hasz
It was intense..but sooooooo good. We talked about questions like Do you belive in absolute truth? Do you support abortion?what is your view on evolution? What is your view on crime and punishment? What do you think and decide to be true for you?  these questions help us to actually realize what our world view is. beause everyone (whether they know it or not) has a world view. Someones actions can tell you what that person truely belives.
Anytime you engage in sin, it should draw you to the feet of Jesus.
So many people today just brush off sin and act like its nothing, but it reality.. sin is sin. God hates sin, and to be holy and like him - we must too. and another good thing to ponder about is.. thinking about Heaven. When you think about heaven it will reallign your thinking patterns. To think about heavenly things is to stay in the right mind set.
But.. is your motivation right to go to heaven? or do you just want to go to heaven so you can leave earth?

This morning, we went to character development class taught by Ron Luce, we learned about what truely developes a character. How we need to be careful as christians what and who we associate ourselves with, because who and what we associate ourselves with with put a message out to other people about what it truely means to follow the Lord.
I mean associating by : listening to bad music, lusting partaking in drunkeness, murder, divorce, same gender sexual relations (things the bible tells us not to do).
Who you are around and what you support will create a character for you, and people will grade you by that character.

But on the other hand.. (so you dont take this the wrong way) we are to reach out to those kind of people and the ones who partake in these things. and show them the love of God and preach the gospel. But to associate it and support it is a different thing.
We are also learning about prayer and how truely vital it is in our daily walks with the Lord.

Thats it for now..  i need to go have my quiet time and eat lunch at 12 :)

God Bless.. be a sweet smelling aroma to those around you today!!

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