Monday, February 1, 2010

Goodbye Orange Block, hello Normal!

Its official. As of last friday we ended orange block :)
which means we can have sugar. we can listen to christian music that is not worship. and we can text whenever!

i really enjoyed the time away from those things but its really sweet to be able to do them again. ive missed my bands and eating sugar! i never realized how many things actually contain sugar.

Besides that, there were alot of changes that took place here at the HA this weekend. 2 core leaders got dismissed. (information is not available to campus on why) but God works all out for good. I got more brothers (from the boy core) added to my brother core. and now i also have a sister core! so we have a core family which was about 18.. is now almost 30! but its good and God is good. he has a reason for this. and the more people we have, the more people to love and worship the Lord with. it is a change were still adjusting too but its getting progressively better. we had family game night last saturday and spent like 4 hours playing games in the caf. which was awesome!

on sunday i went to calvary chapel tyler with my sister Liz and it was good. It was about 30  mins away and in a really small town. But the Word was so good and the people were very down to earth. I am going to check out another church next week and keep praying about what church God wants me to attend around here. (if you are looking for prayer requests for me.. this would be one!)

The call center has been great. The Lord is really using me to reach and encourage the youth of america who are going to go on mission trips. I am the rep for Israel, India, China, Thailand, and Austrailia. I was so blessed to be able to speak words of encouragement and vision into about 29 teenagers tonight and its incredible to see God great commission worked out and to get a glimpse of what God is going to do with his children.

Israel has been on my heart and i feel like that could possibly be where the Lord is leading me to go this summer with GE. I'm going to fill out an app soon and then start fundraising. So God willing i might be going to israel!! to minister to Gods chosen people and to soften there hearts towards christians. To love on them and help the christian organizations around there with service projects. i will also be able to go around and walk the streets that Jesus walked.. to see the world from his human perspective and to visit the places he dwelled. I know its going to be an incredible trip and the Lord is already moving for this trip. I know hes already appointed the people were going to meet and the things were going to do.

It's been like crazy over load with how much homework i have! but i realized that i really need to put to death my habit of procrastination and do it nightly! Im writing my first paper for portfolio papers soon :)

Gods also been teaching me that he is faithful. that he is constantly pursueing. and that his love is like none that we as humans have ever experienced. I've had alot of distractions lately and when the i just sat down and prayed about them and surrendered them i could feel that burden being lifted and i felt much lighter. it was alot easier to focus on the Lord entirely also!

This weekend we have another family core event and then we are going to have a campus superbowl party! and the comercials are actually goin to be done by the creative media ministry team here. :) We also have family dish duty on sunday. and i have dish duty tomorrow morning..ahh!!! haha :)

Last friday we also had core rollouts and Brittany basicly told us what vision God gave her for our core.. our core values.. our flag.. and our key verses. Our verses are Song of Solomon 4:7 and 2nd corinthians 3:18.
Our flag is this beautiful picture of a crown with a while lilly (lily is our core flower) and its splashed with purple and blue. Our cores name is Becoming. we are becoming the woman God wants us to be and it is a process. But our core values are Love, Faith, Holiness, and a few others that i dont have on me right now.
but im definitely excited for this year.. i know the Lords going to move and do great things! i can't wait to see his people being transformed and in the process transforming the generation!

ATF's are being done every weekend. so also pray for those! and the impact they have on youth across america!

God bless you guys! Let me know if you need prayer for anything! :)

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