Sunday, February 28, 2010

"A man of conscience is a man that considers the consequences of his actions before he does them."

Time goes by so fast here, i feel like i can't keep up! tomorrow is already march..ahhhh!!

Let me catch you up on whats been going on:

My core advisor got dismissed (the HA will not give us reason to why, just out of respect for the Core advisor and the HA.) but she did confess as soon as whatever it was happened. About 2 weeks ago she left  but she actually lives 5 mins away from campus. shes finishing classes at TJC here. which is nice cause i can still be in contact with her.
but because of the dismissal - our family core got split up. our family core had consisted of the Sojourners (my brother core), Reckless (our sister core), and Becoming (my core). well the sojourners and reckless are still together but my core got moved in to Esther's (our new Core advisor) core. Their core name is Disciples. our brother core is called Knighthood and our sister core is called Radiant. We went from a core family of about 28 people to a core family of about 40. Which is slightly crazy. you should've seen us all at the park during the first meeting. We have about 28 girls and 9 boys haha. :)
but the brother core advisor (James) is such a godly man.
He has a lot of wisdom and the first time we met him he told us this:
-he realized that he is accountable for our whole family core before God. he has been put in authority over us and his goal is to lead us to become Godly men and women. He is teaching his guys to be chivalrous (sp?) and to be protectors, providers, and pursuers of the Lord.

He also met with us last thursday for core night and talked to us about what the bible and God says about becoming Godly women. What godly men look for in a wife, and the power of words. He was explaining just how powerful womens words are on men. We have the ability to build them up and tear them down. We need to be good stewards of our words and encourage our brothers. He gave this analogy of this guy who put on an outfit and asked two of his guy friends if they thought it looked good, the guy friends would say no and talk about how stupid it looked, but if a girl saw him in the same outfit and said how nice it looked - he would end up wearing it. The Lord has said over and over in the bible the power of the tongue to speak life and death.
As women we need to build up not tear down. empower not gossip. and encourage not discourage.
He also answered some of our questions about how to act around guys here. He really is a man after God. Before i met him, i had heard alot of rumors about how intimidating he was and how strict he was. But when we asked him about it he said that the strict/intimidating side of him comes up when people mess with his us girls, or the other sisters or his family in general. which is cool. he really stepped up into the head of the family role.

Esther is our core advisor and she has alot of wisdom as well. She is actually from Londyn which is cool too. I know the Lord must count her worthy because she now has a core of 18 girls. Shes super sweet :)

Other than that, ive been continuing to call for Asia mission trips. :)
except last week i had 5 girls who wanted to drop from their trips to Israel and Thailand. so pray for them..that they'll not be knocked down by the enemy but pursue the Lord.

Our rooms got switched up, and now im in a room with Maggie, Evelyn, Megan, and Jessica.
Jessica is very into decorating our room (including adding her little touch of the her home flag..canada) Shes gone out and got curtains for our closets, a chair, a rug, and fabric to decorate the walls. ill have to upload some pictures about it soon too :P

I decided to join a church, its called Soma. (
I also talked to the woman who is in charge of the childrens church and ill be able to work with them the first week of each month. which is such a blessing!! i miss kids soo much :(

We have corporate for the first time in about 3 weeks tomorrow! im not sure if im excited or not. haha I haven't worked out in a while..but i need it.

I brought my exercise ball to work and have been using it as my chair at work. so i sit on my exercise ball at my cubicle and talk to missionaries from all over the country. :P i feel like a real life Dwight from the office! hahhaha its also been very popular.

Friday night the whole GE call center ( all 70 of us) had family time. we went to dallas to go to Winter jam (a christian youth concert/conference :) ) it was paid by as a present from Ron and Katie Luce :D

We have innermurals too. This semester is Basketball and Soccer. Our brothers played basketball on saturday and totally dominated!! us sisters played and the other team didn't show up, so we automatically won. but we decided to scrimage some other team, but we lost :( 15 to 5. thats ok we'll get them next time!

Last week i went to the back 40 (back forty acres) to spend time with the Lord. i felt like he really wanted me to get away from all distraction and go out into nature. So i went to the back forty to the fields and found some hay bales. I tried to get on one. but ( i dont know if you've ever tried) they are slightly hard to get up on. i had to run and jump a few times.. and totally failed. it wasn't until a guy on a tractor came buy and tried to teach me how to jump up on it and had to give me a lift up. hahaha. i finally succeeded though and had some good time with the Lord. we went over psalm 139.
Isn't it interesting how the Lord knows us so intimately. he knows everything about it us. he knows when we sit and when we get up. we can never get away from his presence, he had our days written in his book of life before we were even born onto the earth. isn't it incredible to know we have a creator who pays that much attention to detail?
That we dont have to worry about failing or messing up or not being good enough because he has made us and he knows we are mere humans. but he has such an insane passion and jealous love for us. He wont relent until he has it all, our hearts are his.

I got accepted to go to Israel for a mission trip this summer! I will be sending out support letters soon and sending an update about that on here soon!!

Well, it is now time to get off. im sorry its been so long. but ill be writing alot more. its just been crazy with all the changes happening. Thanks to all you faithful readers. and all the prayers you guys are praying! i'm so thankful to the Lord for you all! i am praying for you guys. :)
miss you and love you!

i have to go to play glow in the dark frisbee now with my old brothers. :)

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