Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy Belated valentines day


Theres too much going on to type it all right now, since i have to get back to work in 8 mins but ill type all i can in 8 mins :)

last wednesday night we started our Fasting LTE.
during the LTE we could only :
1)talk to God/pray
2)read the bible (only book we could read)
3)chew up and drink excessive amounts of water
4)take naps
5)attend many worship sessions :)

and couldn't:
use our phones, use the computer, eat

God revealed to me  that:
food is a big controlling factor in my life. i like to eat when im bored and i like the taste of food. and i realized i need to live to eat not live to eat.

when you don't eat : you get really weak. i was out of breath moving in worship and walking from the dorms to the auditorium.

when you fast : you turn away from everything and let God your complete focus which tunes your ear to hearing him and growing closer to him.

at first i was frustrated because i was hungry and i didn't feel God. but as it progressed i got alot of realizations from the Lord just on life and on my life.

too be continued..more later!!!

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