Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saturday? PTL!

Wow. time goes so fast here..its insane! make it stop!

I'm going to update you guys as much as i can :)
I'm actually sitting in the caf eating an apple and drinking orange juice. its beautiful outside - a bit cold - but nonetheless.
I've been working everyday (if you ever want to email me:
My call center team is really awesome, were getting closer. We took some pictures yesterday so hopefully those will be up soon or something!
This weekend.. well today actually! We have family core dish duty. so my family core will be serving breakfast lunch and dinner. i get to serve dinner :)
tomorrow all of HA is going to watch the superbowl in the auditorium and the creative ministries team recorded commercials (that were appropriate) for us to watch. i can't wait to see them. ill probably record some and put them up on Face book something. :)

Classes are going well, im still trying to find the balance between work, classes, and free time!
apologetics class has been the bomb. its teaching me so much and our teacher actually rapped for us yesterday. but thats not all were learning! hahaha we've been watching apologetic sermons by this guy by the first name of Ravi. (i forget his last name though)

i have to write a rough draft for my paper for portfolio papers on how media affects our generation. which im pretty excited about.

other than that the Lords really revealing to me what i need to work on. He's bringing up things that i never really realized were there. But im so thankful he's patient. and persistent. because im a stubborn human being and im all over the place..ALL THE TIME!
He's teaching me to truely depend on him. i need him for everything - which is how it should be. but for me im still having to learn that. I'm also realizing how powerful prayer is. i pray before i call each one of my missionaries and i can tell the difference between a call i prayed before and a call i didnt.

It's been hard lately though, i've been going through that desert where i just feel like God is so distant..but i know theres a reason for being there. i need to keep pursuing him and not giving up like the enemy wants me to do.
But i wont give up or give in. i want to know the Lord more and i want him to be my everything. i know its a process and it wont just happen in one day though. and even though it gets hard im going to press on through those days and call on the Lord. he's my strength.

but i hope everything is going well with everyone! i would love to hear what everyone is up to! its nice to hear about the world off of campus and i miss all of you guys!
well im going to go run to walmart or the dollar general and the spend time in the Word.

love you all! God bless!

i also put in my application to go to israel this summer! i should find out if im accepted soon :)

If anyone has any inspiring quotes or songs or anything i would love to hear them!

ps. i went to my supervisors house the other day for team time...i never realized how bad i miss being in a house! haha :)

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