Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Today we are corporately fasting.

It was easier this afternoon and morning. but its starting to get harder.
my body now is like NEEED FOOOD.

and i have to be like.. No, im going to worhisp the Lord through this fast. Food does not control me.

Matthew 4:4 "for man does not live on bread alone but on every word of God."

i also found out some interesting facts about fasting.
after the first or second day of fasting your digestive system with stop wanting food and burning fat. Which will give you more energy and send more blood flowing to your brain. Which makes your senses alot more aware and strong. also it makes you more able to tune into the Lord because your completely surrendering to him and nothing gets in the way. When you fast it really reveals what controls you and your habbits and sinful nature really surface. Its such a cleansing process and i cant wait to fast more often. I want to know the Lord so much better and just focus on him completey. He is so good...

Were going to have a fasting LTE soon which will be 3 days.

anyways, i have some free time before service tonight so i thought i'd update.

also if you get a chance.. go to and listen to the ihop prayer service or the link in the middle on wednesdsay nights.. its live worship you can watch. its good. (ihop = international house of prayer in kansas)

goodnight, God bless!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

God is good all the time

hey everyone!! its been a while since my last post. so i would just like to update you guys, unfortunately i have team time right now with my GE call center. so after that tonight i will update :)


Everything has been crazy and so fast paced recently. Hence why i haven't updated in so long! But the honor academy life is going well.
we finally found out our brother core :) after corporate one morning they made us/served us pancakes for breakfast (which was very fancy compared to what the cafe wouldve offered us - bagels and oatmeal). were going to start doing outreaches with them and having prayer/worship times :) which i can't wait for!

In the GE call center i am finally on the phones. yesterday was my first day. and it went really well!! i talked to about 10 people and just got to know them and build relationships :)

and today has been a little more difficult. i woke up and just felt defeated.. it was one of those hard days where i could just feel the enemy working against me and i had to work extra hard to act not in my flesh. ?I didn't feel as enthusiastic on the phones as i had yesterday and i felt alot more nervous because i was unsure of the information i was giving my missionaries but the Lord is good. He's faithful to the end. even though i struggled through the work day before dinner, after dinner he refreshed me. and i realized that even though i wanted to give up and break down and that my brain was on overload.. if i just pressed through and pursued my missionaries - i didn't have to worry about communicating wrong information because he would help me through it and bring me the right information. and he so did! i was really nervous about talking to parents of the missionaries and especially about flights.. but God provided me with the right answers and basicly worked through me. which was so good.

He never ceases to amaze me.

whenever i get worried or anxious before a call i look to phillipians 4:6-7. look it up.. its good word!

Tomorrow is our first campus fasting day.. i know that it'll be really good and i except to really hear the Lord..but i am kind of nervous because i haven't fasted food before. i mean i fasted facebook..and makeup..but never food. But (again) i know the Lord is faithful and he'll provide the BREAD OF LIFE for me. :)
so be praying for that!

Also, classes have been going well. i have about 6 books to read now for my classes..craaaaazy. but good!! i love reading :)

have you ever had that feeling of being overpowered with love? yesterday i woke up and everything that happened that day i could just feel the love of God and how jeaous he was for me. My eyes were opened to every blessing he poured out and every little thing he did for me. It blows my mind how amazing he is. and how he would care so much for me.. when i am so prone to wander and so stubborn!

I came to the sense that i love being protected.. and i know God put that desire in my heart.. to be protected. by either friends. a future husband. family. and God. God especially he's my ultimate protector and who better to trust my life to than the one who gave me life.

I went to the local dairy queen the other day! i had a midnight truffle blizzard! it was BOMB. so good :) i missed having dairyqueen close. im going again tonight..praise God! :)

have a blessed night.. press into the Lord, he's good and trustworthy.

God bless! :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Too fast, too soon.

Title describes everything right now. Too fast - too soon. january is almost over and i feel like its going by too fast already. which i guess is typical at the HA (should've known, haha) but its just crazy.

Last night i got off of work at 7 and went to bed at 8. it was wonderful :) i was going to try out for potters desire, but i was afraid that my schedule would be way too overwelmed. I becamse an ACA (which is a assistant core advisor) and we have classes on thursday, then i have ministry placement from 2 to 9 every week day, and then on top of that i have my elective classes - new testament survey, portfolio papers, and great books. Also on top of that we have core days, core family days and events, and LTE's. soo i figured ill see how this semester goes and then if its not too bad ill probably try out for potters desire in august. :)

I got introduced to my new classes yesterday morning. Portfolio papers should be exciting. We right papers (like a normal college freshman english class) but we do them over events and topics we have here. It will also teach us how correctly write a paper, and teach us discipline in this area. The other one i took is Great books. Were going to be reading : Mere Christianity by CS Lewis, Screw Tape Letters by CS Lewis, The Pilgramage, and Gaining Favor with God and Man. we have to purchase these books on our own, but our teacher assistant told us yesterday that we will be able to borrow two of the books from a local warehouse and then we can get the other two for a combined total of 20 bucks. which is REALLY good. PraiseGod!

OH! So i told you all that i was put into the GE Call Center. and in the call center there is 4 different groups : PROMO (we promote and ask people if they want to go on a mission trip), Acceptance (goes through the financial and acceptance process), Encouragement (calls the missionaries weekly and encourages them, answers questions, helps them with putting together fundraisers, and basicly encourages them until they get here for training) and Groups (which calls church to go on GE mission trips.) Well all Januarys started in PROMO and a few got moved to acceptance and finance. Yesterday me and 4 other januarys got pulled out (before our test.. WOOP!) and informed that we were going to be transferring to the encouragement team. Ever since i thought about working with GE ive been wanting to do encouragement, and God made that happen for me :) i'm so hyped! we also get brain food during training which is the BOMB. :P

It's cloudy and rainy here today. But the weather is nice, not too cold, not too warm. I just wish it was a little sunnier.

if you want to send me a package THIS is the actualy address (i missed a few words on the last blog)

Laura Haase
PO BOX 2010 CPO#920
Garden Valley TX 75771-2010

For a letter send it to:

Laura Haase
22392 FM 16 W
Garden Valley, TX 75771

Heres a good quote i heard yesterday from my Portfolio Papers teacher:
"Blessed are the flexible for they will never be bent out of shape."
she was saying that too us in the sense of how we should be prepared and flexible when it comes to schedules and such.
thought it was good :)

Yesterday we also had world view class which is taught by David Hasz
It was intense..but sooooooo good. We talked about questions like Do you belive in absolute truth? Do you support abortion?what is your view on evolution? What is your view on crime and punishment? What do you think and decide to be true for you?  these questions help us to actually realize what our world view is. beause everyone (whether they know it or not) has a world view. Someones actions can tell you what that person truely belives.
Anytime you engage in sin, it should draw you to the feet of Jesus.
So many people today just brush off sin and act like its nothing, but it reality.. sin is sin. God hates sin, and to be holy and like him - we must too. and another good thing to ponder about is.. thinking about Heaven. When you think about heaven it will reallign your thinking patterns. To think about heavenly things is to stay in the right mind set.
But.. is your motivation right to go to heaven? or do you just want to go to heaven so you can leave earth?

This morning, we went to character development class taught by Ron Luce, we learned about what truely developes a character. How we need to be careful as christians what and who we associate ourselves with, because who and what we associate ourselves with with put a message out to other people about what it truely means to follow the Lord.
I mean associating by : listening to bad music, lusting partaking in drunkeness, murder, divorce, same gender sexual relations (things the bible tells us not to do).
Who you are around and what you support will create a character for you, and people will grade you by that character.

But on the other hand.. (so you dont take this the wrong way) we are to reach out to those kind of people and the ones who partake in these things. and show them the love of God and preach the gospel. But to associate it and support it is a different thing.
We are also learning about prayer and how truely vital it is in our daily walks with the Lord.

Thats it for now..  i need to go have my quiet time and eat lunch at 12 :)

God Bless.. be a sweet smelling aroma to those around you today!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

i love sunny days.

So i came home today! Sol came with me :) we left at like 7am this morning and went to church at CCLC. its good to be home. :) i got lots of snacks and goodies to take back too. speaking of which..if anyone ever happens to make goodies.. and think hmmm.. i need to get rid of these, send them my way!! :P

btw my address is :
Laura Haase
PO box 2010 920#
Garden Valley, TX 75771-2010

I went to mcdonalds with sol this morning when we got into town and it was so interesting. I noticed alot of things. 1) alot of old people go to mcdonalds in the morning 2)there jelly has sugar in it 3)they play secular music.. like rihanna 4)the only sugar free drink they have is water.

i also become very aware of how i present myself, what i say, and how i act when i step off of the Honor Academy campus.. because i represent the HA. and if i do something wrong or act a certain way that person will assume everyone at HA acts like me. which is not the image we need to create.. because its not true.
Which brings me to realize that just like how i represent the HA when im off campus.. we as christians represent Christ, shouldn't we be that sweet fragrance to everyone around us? When they see us, talk to us, hang out with us, shouldn't we pointing them to the Lord. Shouldn't our actions reflect the one we serve? Are your actions proving that to be true?
it really opened up my eyes..
I represent the Most High King. and if my actions dont reflect my words then i pray that you guys will keep my accountable.

I got to spend my morning and most of my afternoon with my mom. I missed her alot, and im really glad i got to see her :) she actually came to church with me too.

Yesterday we had core day, and we went to our core moms house :) She's so sweet! she spoiled us with baked goods and incredible food. which i am BEYOND thankful for! and her house was adorable. we also go to watch a night with the king, which is an awesome movie (i recommend it). I enjoyed my time with my core girls and i can't wait to have more core nights and get to grow with them.

Well, i will write more next time im in the cafeteria. i have to go pack up the rest of my stuff and head back to campus/church at 345. we have a speaker speaking at the CCF church near by about spriritual warefare. i have a feeling its going to be good, and the Lord is going to help us prepare our minds for this year.

have a blessed night! :)

Friday, January 15, 2010

i wrote a long blog. it got erased because my computer died. it was pretty disappointing. ill write more later!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


"Lord do what you want, if you want to change everything then do so. you know whats best"
"You know that its going to be hard right?"
"i guess. you'll be with me though right?"
"of course. dont be afraid. i am with you when you pass through the waters and the fire. they will not touch you. stay focused on me. things are about to get rearranged.. and remember you did ask me to do this."

well. thats how my convo went this past few days. and i guess i didn't really realize how dramatically things were going to change. My first week here - i was placed in a gauntlet core. which is only temporary until the week after gauntlet. two days ago we were brought together to find out who are permanent core is. the 4 girls i was really close with from my gauntlet core ( Courtney, Emily, Joy, Rihanna) we got seperated. I was in the Carey Dorm House, and i got moved to Green Dorm House. which is nice.. to be honest. Green dorm is set up more like an apartment or a university dorm. and carey was set up more like a summer camp layout. so thats ok :)
but i got moved into a whole new core. Cat was my gauntlet Core Advisor. and now my Core Advisor is Brittany. Shes really sweet and i am really excited to have her. The girls in my core (and in my room) are very...sanguine (ill explain this later). which is another word for crazy and outgoing. It's going to be a stretching experience because i realized im a little farther ahead of htem in my walk then they are. but maybe Gods going to use me to help them grow, and also use them to help me grow. which is what i wanted. haha

im not going to lie haha (lying is one of our tennets "i will not lie, because lying is the intent to decieve. i will speak truthfully") my heart was pretty broken when i found out i was moving cores :( i wanted to stay with my core. But i told God that if he wanted to move me..he could. and thats what he did. i know this wil work out for my good though. (Romans 8:28)

Last night we had our commitment banquet. which was a banquet held where we stated our commitments to stay the whole year at the honor academy, to serve the Lord, keep our commitments, and work at everything as working for God and not man. So i am officially a January intern.. and commited! :) i also think i know who my brother core is..but my CA(core advisor) wont tell us forsure who they are yet. :( buuut most of the cores at the banquet sat with their brother cores and we sat with a brother core so im pretty sure im right. haha :P
Saturday is our core day (we have an adopted core mom, picked by brittany) and we are going to her house (she lives around here) on saturday. :) and were going to have our sugar day saturday too. which will be sososososo nice!! i cant wait to have sugar again :)

oh speaking of which! after the banquet yesterday we had a faculty basketball game (interns won :D) and then we had free time because our curfew was moved from 11pm to 12am. So Courtney, Joy, Emily, Chase and Evan (my new friends) went to sonic at like 1130. it was sooooo nice to have normal food for once :) i mean. dont get my wrong. i love the cafeteria food, they do a beautiful job of preparing food and feeding us. but sometimes you just miss the fast food :P

Today we found out where our ministry placement is. I am officially a GE call center intern. i work in the GE call center and call interns around the country who have written on a card at aquire the fire or battlecry events that they would be interested in going on a GE mission trip. So i will be calling them, encouraging them, and making sure all their plans get worked out. :)
so far ive heard that working in the GE call center is the best job here. so next monday ill be able to find out if thats true or not :P

I had a feeling that God would put me in GE call center. and i was resisting it, because i didn't want to have to do something like that..cause it was kind of out of my comfort zone. but he is oh so faithful to push me of my CZ. haha :) but thats ok, he told me before i came that i was going to be stretched and pushed and have to come out of my comfort zone.

So thats whats going on in my life in the past few days. :)
were done with gauntlet week, so we can leave campus (but not over night) but were still in orange block. which means no secular music, and one sugar day per week.

Also! they have a dance team here. called potters desire. they do hiphop and modern. im trying out for that on monday :) ill be posting a video of a dance they did soon.

ya'll have a blessed day :)

ps. if you call me or text patient. my phone has horrible reception out here. and if you call - leave a voice message :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I've officially been at the honor academy for almost a full week. and im very excited to say that ive already experienced and changed more than i thought i ever would in one week. It's incredible what being around a group of other christians who's purpose and desire is to worship the Lord, and grow into the man or woman he calls us to be. To be around people with the same passions as you is so uplifting and to be kinda like.. heaven on earth. because thats what we will be doing there anyways right? worshipping and fellowshipping?

I am very excited about a group here called potters desire. They are the dance team on campus and they do modern and hiphop dance. they have tryouts soon, and im also very excited because ive met multiple girls and guys who are january interns who are going to try out as well. what more can i ask for than to worship the Lord through hiphop dancing??! :)

Last night they let us out of session early (as a treat) and my sister core and brother core got to leave campus (also a treat!) and go to this mexican restuarant in tyler called Pasados. It was so nice to have real food! not that food here isn't real.. its just nice to have normal food, you know? haha :) but we went and it was an eye opener. I had been surrounded but so many other christians and we aren't aloud to cuss or say anything that is not uplifting. and to go out of the HA and to an outside restuarant just opened my eyes to see how hurting, and how desensitized people are in this world. It hurt my heart too. Just to sit there and watch these people who have such broken lives but won't turn to the one who can fix them. It gave me even more of a desire to get into the midst of the world and just be the light, and to uplift people and pour love into them.

PTL.. we also did not have to have coporate this morning.. theyre so spoiling us ;)

We did ropes course today, which we all got into groups and went to the back 40. which is the back acres of campus in the woods. they had all these rope courses which taught us team work and leadership skills. They were also just events to get us to know eachother better. We had alot of fun with them, but the red dirt out here is evil! hahha

Tomorrow we find out who are permanent core is and our ministry placement (work place) is. We are also going to be introduced to all the electives we can do .. like potters desire (dance team), shattered clay (human video), and some others that i cant currently remember.

Anyways, i thought i'd do a quick update because i have some time before session starts tonight. :)
i hope everyone is doing well!! i can't wait to see all you guys again. love you!! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Goodmorning :)
we didn't have corporate today because it was too cold out! :P which was good and bad. because i kinda wish i had worked out this morning.
We got to sleep in until about 7 and then had breakfast and worship. :)
I had my interview for my workplacement today. we had to do a fake phone call in the call center. you could do one for aquire the fire, or you could do one to invite extreme campers, or missionaries for global expeditions. i went with the global expeditions one because it was the one i was most familiar with since i went on a mission trip with them this past summer. and it was a little rocky but i think it went well over all. the girl that examined my call afterwards said that i did well. sooooo if i do get a job at the global expeidtions call center i will probably have to have a B shift at work. which means ill have to work form 2 to 10 instead of in the morning.. which i would rather work in the morning. but God told me i was going to be stretched so i might have to do B shift. if i have B shift though i wil have to switch core groups (a core is a group of 10 to 15 girls that meet together every week and have devotionals. this is like our family away from family.) because our core for this week is temporary until we know our permanent one. i made some friends and i hope i dont have to move, but God knows what is good for me. and if moving and having a night shift is what it takes to break and remold me.. then bring it on! :)
have to go to session now, have a blesssed day!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Casting down idols and Elite Warriors

Yesterday-day 3 (1/6/10)

I have officially memorized the Teen Mania mission statement. It is .. “our heartbeat is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take his life-giving message to the ends of the earth.”

We had a session over quiet times and Casting down Idols/Elite warriors. Both sessions were really good, and I actually stayed awake through them! Its been so hard to stay awake during sessions. Th e waking up early, working out, constant walking and running from place to place, has worn me out but its also the enemy trying to keep me from listening! Which we also learning about embracing those times and taking them as an opportunity to endure and to grow in patience.

I definitely feel like a college kid with this lap top. All professional like. Sitting in my dorm living room area. Writing my blog.. YAY!! Hahaha :P

Tomorrow I have an interview with the staff to figure out where my ministry placement will be. It will either be in the call center, cafeteria, mail room, janitorial staff, ect. Some of the august interns have tried to scare us about the interviews, but I think it’ll be great. :) i was struggling with where I would work because I know wher e I would NOT like to work. But I know the Lord always uses things that I don’t like to shape and teach me to endure. Which have become my themes for this year.. coming out of my comfort zone and enduring hard times.

Looking at this year seems like looking up at a huge mountain from the bottem with a rope and wondering how in the world I am going to get up it. But I know it’ll just take trust, strength, and strategy. Also reliance on the Lord.

Today-day 4 (1-7-09)
Thank the Lord for down time. we had corporate this morning..which was pretty tiring. and then we ran half a mile in the rain in 37 degree weather.. and nooo they did not forcue us to do it. we decided that like Paul we will "make our bodies our slaves". i need to get in shape and force myself to endure the exercise that my body is screaming at me to do. but it feels so good :) after corporate we had breakfast, and then we had shower time. then from 9 to 1230 we had free time/interview time. i had my interview with the staff to figure out where my interwork placement should be. i told htem i was a morning person so hopefully ill be getting morning shifts. i have an idea of where God is going to place me.. and i REALLY dont want to work there, but who knows. God knows what will stretch me and where i need to work (he didnt tell me this is a year of new experiences for nothing!) and now we are having lunch. and then we have free time again until 430.. bless the Lord! and then we have dinner and another session aftter that. Its so cold outside. we walk outside and our faces are pretty frozen just from walking outside for 3 mins from one builiding to the other!
anyways, im going to socialize now and not be stuck on the internet :)
keep me in my prayers.. im praying for ya'll as well! love you guys!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Finally Here.

It's 2010 and im finally at the honor academy. Crazy? tell me about it.

its my second day and i can already tel ive learned so much since i came. I moved into my dorm (pictures will come soon) and i met new friends/girls in my core. ive at in the cafeteria. have sessions in the auditorium. Ran 2 laps around the campus this morning, had corporate. Intense worship sessions. Took a 5 min shower. Slept in a bunk bed. Woke up at 430. Yea.. its been crazy. thats why i haven't been able to update my blog until now. i only have a little time though before dinner and the rest of sessions.

I miss you guys so much. i thought id be home sick (i am) but since im soo busy all the time now (we go from one event to another to eating, to sleeping) i haven't had to time to think about how much i love and miss you guys. but i do ever so much. especially after checking my facebook now. :( Thank you God (and daddy) for giving me this laptop so i can communicate with ya'll!!

Well. we are in gauntlet week. which means we have to wear our uniforms or office attire (nice dress) for the rest of htis week. we can't have sweets (except for one day, we get to choose) and we can't text. unless its to family. soooo if you want to get a hold of me call or facebook me :) or email me!! emails would be wonderful >>
we are also not aloud to leave campus this first week. its the process of seperating ourself from the world in order to completely focus on the Lord. but after this week will start the beginning of orange block which will last until the end of january. in orange block we have intense sessions and workouts and finding our work placement.  but we are able to leave. so im planning on coming back not this coming weekend..but the next! :)

i already have mushy-day syndrome. where all the days seem to mush together and i forget what day and time it is.

this experience is so good though. im realizing just what God wants to work on me with this year. and what he wants me to accomplish. I know that this time is focused on him and thats what intend on doing with it. even though this next month wil be rough, it will be well worth it. God is good and hes going to teach me how to seperate myself.. focus completely on him, and then concentrate on him when i return.

there are so many people here.. and the August interns are really sweet. Boys open doors for us and get us drinks at meals. We are taugh to be respectful.. on time. disciplined and lady like.

one thing that has stuck with me since last night - that i needed to work on is :
being early is on time.. on time is late.. and late is unexpectable.

i can already see myself working on that.. i am early to alot of things here now. its crazy!

anyways! thank you to everyone who is encouraging me and is supporting me! i so appreciate it!
For the month of february i am need to get 800, but i know hte Lord will provide some how some way. :)

I love you guys so much, and i can't wait until i can visit you guys! it still doesn't seem real to me that THIS is my home for the  year... haha :)

God bless!

ps. email or call me!!