Thursday, May 13, 2010

what is love?

What is love?
love by definition according to the world is:   

1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.

2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.

3. sexual passion or desire.

4. a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart.

5. (used in direct address as a term of endearment, affection, or the like): Would you like to see a movie, love?

6. a love affair; an intensely amorous incident; amour.

7. sexual intercourse; copulation.
The Lords definition of love :
If I speak in the tongues [languages] of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

– 1 Corinthians 13:1-8;13 (NIV).

Do you love those around you?
Do those around you know your his diciples? (John 13:35)
If you don't, do you pray for them? do you intercede on their behalf? to see them as more than yourself? does the love of the Lord for them, flood your heart?

How can you love someone if you are not asking for Gods love for them?

If you ask he promises to respond.Take your heart to him. tell him whats going on. be expectant and watch him work.

Don't look at what they can do but look at what you can do in your heart to be more like christ to them.

If you're not praying for them, how will you have an influence on their lives? they're change comes from the Lord and not from us.

Pray for those around you. pray for family, friends, enemies, aquaintances, sons, daughters, cousins, presidents, countries, hurting, helpless, orphans, widows, pastors, teachers, speakers, husbands, wives, best friends, ect.
It's time to stop concentrating on us and whats going on with us and lift up our requests to the one who hears and understands. by praying and standing in the gap for those around you.. that's love. selfless. kind. patient. hopeful. love.

-Thats what we learned tonight at core. i know it's been a long time. and almost every other night i think "oh i need to type in my blog" but i get distracted and i don't get to it like i should. which is something i need to work on. because you all are so faithful to pray for me and to continue to see whats going on in my life that i should love you in return and share!
so that's what i'm doing.
-i'm rounding my 5th month at the honor academy. i've learned more than i realized. mostly about people, my relationship with the Lord, the art of trials, importance of family, need for leadership, and hands open state of mind.
-I want to continue to thank everyone who is supporting me to be here and those who will support me in the future. you really do make a difference. i would not be here without you. i owe you a bigger thank you than i can give. from the bottem of my heart...thank you.
-i'm experiencing God in ways that i would've never imagined. ways that i would've never been able to seek on my own - without the encouragement, conviction of him, and accountability of others.
-God's starting to reveal vision in my life and now i need to be like the man in the parable of the talents (matthew 25:14-30) to make the most of what he gives me. every talent, ability, quality, and opportunity. the Lord is purposeful in everything he does, makes, and creates.
-I've realized how small i am.
-I've learned the importance of prayer (and ever continueing to learn!)
-i'm learning how to be a leader. you can't lead without being a servant, and you can serve with out love. to be a leader means to serve those around you and consider them better than you. those around you will see you and be influenced in a way by the Lord to continue to passionatly pursue him as well!
-In the Global expeditions call center realm. we have started ticketing for the trips. It's crazy hectic, but God is so good and patient with us. I know overall that these are his missionaries and not mine. i can't change their minds or make them seek him in a certain way, only the Lord can. Being a representaive requires alot of faith - i think it's been built upon alot since i've been here..haha. i believe that my 56 missionaries can each raise close to $4,000 for their trips to India, Thailand, Australia, China, and Israel. BTW i'm going to Israel. i know i'm supposed to go. that's where my heart is at right now. and the Lord has given me such a passion for the country and the people of it. They need to know the truth, their hearts long for the love of the Lord they don't know. The Lord says his desire is for everyone to know him, and i pray that this is my desire as well. To see the iraqi people, israeli people, people of jordan, and muslim people meet their creator. The one who is still as passionate about them as he was when he created them.
But, i'm still in need of $4,000 to go. which is challenging because i volutneer 31 hours a week to calling missionaries, 9 hours a week to classes, and the other amount of time is spent in core meetings, work meetings, chapel, wednesday night service, quiet time, and sleeping. which i admit - the Lord is faithful to give me extra time to do fundraising and pray. but i can't do this on my own. i am eager to see the Lord move and work a miracle on my behalf to get me to israel. To get other people on board with suppport and to see my missioanries (who are going to israel too) go. to provoke a hardhearted generation of israel. I'm not asking you to support me (but if you feel led to, by anymeans..please me if you'd like to) but most of all i just need your prayer. Prayer is the power. It's direct connection with the Lord. Please pray for me, my finances, my trip, my team, my safety, and the people of Israel and Jordan.

I have to go now - to make curfew in...10 mins! haha :) but i am coming home this weekend. and i can't wait to see everyone. please call or text if you'd like to catch up!

God bless you :)

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