Thursday, November 5, 2009

pressing on!

There are approximately 60 days until i will be at the Honor Academy... 60! It seems a little unreal to me. I'm going to be leaving..for a year. in 60 days. Its extremely exciting, yet scary at the same time. i have about 2000 raised so far out of my 7800. Gods sure providing. :)

My parents and i had a phone conference with Mr. Hasz from the HA today. It was an informative conference with question time at the end. Ever feel like something is a dream.. or a good "idea" but it doesn't seem real until its actually happening? well thats where im at. i know that ill be there sooner than i think. but it just hasn't sunk in yet. :)

Please continue to pray for me and this event in my life. Especially for the fundraising and for the others around the country who are planning to attend as well.

Thanks for sharing in this time of my life!! :D

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