Wednesday, November 25, 2009

He is faithful

Approximately 40 days until my departure from this lovely town of Flower Mound. i'm very mixed about it. just because im overwhelmed because i know that this year is going to change me. im going to be put in situations that are uncomfortable, that stretch me, and that require me to have full dependence on God. I know that he'll be with my every step of the way, and i know that he's going to be the only way to get through the whole year!
i was stressing out about money today because my paycheck was alot lower than i thought i was going to be. (im only working at lifetime now because the little boy i used to nanny is now in daycare because he can walk :) ) and i only have about 2200 turned in. (out of a total of 7800 + spending money during the year). but right after i prayed to him about it and "casted my cares on him" i got a text from a friend of mine asking me to babysit tonight. and then my other friend texted me and asked me to pick up a 4 hour shift at work on friday. Praise God. He is incredibly faithful, and it amazes me. because i definitely am one to doubt and worry and stray. But he's always there. i am beyond thankful.

i dont know how this money is going to come in before i go, but i know that God is faithful and he is the provider. I know ill be there in january and that the money will come but to not see it right now is definitely a faith stretcher!

I pray that everyone is having a blessed week and has a wonderful thanksgiving!

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