Wednesday, November 25, 2009

He is faithful

Approximately 40 days until my departure from this lovely town of Flower Mound. i'm very mixed about it. just because im overwhelmed because i know that this year is going to change me. im going to be put in situations that are uncomfortable, that stretch me, and that require me to have full dependence on God. I know that he'll be with my every step of the way, and i know that he's going to be the only way to get through the whole year!
i was stressing out about money today because my paycheck was alot lower than i thought i was going to be. (im only working at lifetime now because the little boy i used to nanny is now in daycare because he can walk :) ) and i only have about 2200 turned in. (out of a total of 7800 + spending money during the year). but right after i prayed to him about it and "casted my cares on him" i got a text from a friend of mine asking me to babysit tonight. and then my other friend texted me and asked me to pick up a 4 hour shift at work on friday. Praise God. He is incredibly faithful, and it amazes me. because i definitely am one to doubt and worry and stray. But he's always there. i am beyond thankful.

i dont know how this money is going to come in before i go, but i know that God is faithful and he is the provider. I know ill be there in january and that the money will come but to not see it right now is definitely a faith stretcher!

I pray that everyone is having a blessed week and has a wonderful thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

pressing on!

There are approximately 60 days until i will be at the Honor Academy... 60! It seems a little unreal to me. I'm going to be leaving..for a year. in 60 days. Its extremely exciting, yet scary at the same time. i have about 2000 raised so far out of my 7800. Gods sure providing. :)

My parents and i had a phone conference with Mr. Hasz from the HA today. It was an informative conference with question time at the end. Ever feel like something is a dream.. or a good "idea" but it doesn't seem real until its actually happening? well thats where im at. i know that ill be there sooner than i think. but it just hasn't sunk in yet. :)

Please continue to pray for me and this event in my life. Especially for the fundraising and for the others around the country who are planning to attend as well.

Thanks for sharing in this time of my life!! :D

So it begins.

Dearest friends and family ,

This past summer I was blessed with the opportunity to go on a mission trip to South Africa with Global Expeditions in July. It was an incredible, stretching, and blessed opportunity. I am so thankful to you and for everyone who gave support and prayer. The organization of Global Expeditions is under Teen Mania Ministries, and also under Teen Mania Ministries is a school called The Honor Academy. When I had been in training for my mission trip at the Honor Academy the thought of going to this school crossed my mind several times. I thought it was be “nice” to go but it wasn’t for me. I had already planned to go to a community college. Well, God changed those plans and revealed to me that I was to attend this school. He opened up an awesome opportunity for me to go and I got accepted the end of September! I am going to Honor Academy in January 2010 in Garden Valley Texas (which is right by Tyler, TX).

What is the Honor Academy, you may ask? Well, the Honor Academy is a discipleship/internship program that is designed to cultivate and develop the leadership potential in young adults while preparing them to impact today's world for Christ. It is also a school for preparation for college and grounding your faith. The scope of the program is extensive and includes classroom instruction, practical hands-on experience, and life-transforming events. All are designed to give each intern at the Honor Academy a balanced, strategic approach to Godly character and lasting leadership skills. The vision of the Honor Academy is to provoke a young generation to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and to take His life-giving message to the ends of the earth!

Did you know that 80% of younger believers will stray from their Christian faith during their college years? I want to be among that 20% that earnestly pursue the Lord, character, and spiritual devolpment. While at the honor academy, I will be experiencing weekly classes, practical hands-on experience, professional training and development in ministry placements, and Life Transforming Events that occur periodically throughout the year. In addition to these components, interns can be involved in intramural sports, drama, human video, dance, and other extracurricular activities. The Honor Academy is not an accredited institution. However, through a partnership with Sterling College, graduates of the internship are able to receive up to 30 credit hours toward a college degree. Interns also have to work 31 hours on campus. These jobs include working in the call center where interns call and encourage young teenage minisionaries to raise money and travel to other countries, calling churchs and organizations around the country to invite them and set up Aquire the Fire and Battlecry events, Security, Finance, grounds and maintenance, kitchen, information, technology, mail services, marketing, custodial, graphic design and administrative.

In our generation today, teenagers are being influenced more strongly now than ever by broken homes, drugs, alcohol, addictions, sex, early pregnancies, emotional and physical turmoil. My goal and the goal of the honor academy is to impact these teens for Christ. To raise up our generation to become leaders for the Lord, and break away from the typical mold of teenagers of this age. To stand up for what’s right, fight for the weak,meet the needs of the needy,give love to those who never experience it, and to take seriously the great commission.

My prayer for you is that you will team up with me and help me to meet these goals, whether that be through emotional encouragement, prayer, or donations and support. The cost for the Honor Academy is $650 a month, which comes out to $7,800 for a year.(There is actually a monthly expense plan which starts at $800 the first few months, $600 the next few, $400 the next few, and $300 the last few). This covers housing, meals, and other program-related expenses. All contributions toward an internship are tax-deductible and non-refundable. They are training us to be prepared for the mission field and require us to fundraise the money and seek support. Please pray about it and consider whatever the Lord puts on your heart to do. If you do feel led to support me – you can give a onetime donation, or choose to support me monthly, the amount of which you choose to give is entirely up to you!

For more information on the Honor Academy visit:

To support me financially please go to and click on the button along the top that says Donate. Select USA, and type in my ID which is 2570715. If you do not choose to donate over the internet you can send the donation to me.

If you choose to support me through prayer and emotional encouragement feel free to keep up with me on my blog at . I will be keeping a constant update on my day to day life at the Honor Academy along with updates on my life before I attend. Feel free to visit my site and catch up with me

Thank you for your time & God bless you!


Laura Haase