Tuesday, December 29, 2009

less than a weak!

Dear Family, Friends, Aquaintances,Brothers/sisters in christ, ect,

Monday is sneaking up on me soo fast! less than a week away! talk about crazy!
I'm almost done with my school shopping, and im about to start my packing. My brother has already claimed my room and shared his dreams about what hes going to do with it to my mother.. now i just know that he's going to be missing me the most!! lol.

This past week has been a rollercoaster. One moment im - "AHHH I CANT WAIT TO BE THERE! ITS GOING TO BE GREAT, CHALLENGING, AND INCREDIBLE!" and the next im - "i dont want to leave!!! i like my comfort zone! Lord idk if im ready for 31 hours of intern work, LTE's, bible classes, and intense morning corporate sessions!!"

But thats when the Lord knocks sense into me. Lately he's been just replying with "chill out. everything is going to be fine." "this'll teach you how to cling to me when nothing else is cling-able" "your dependence on me needs to be strengthened" "you need discipline" "i am JohovaGira, i do provide." "i'm sending you there, ill help you through it" "ive already pre-appointed everyone you'll meet and everything you'll do" "my stength is enough" "if you focus on me instead of the situation.. it wont seem as big as you make it to be" "this is the year of change i told you about."

It makes me realize how faithless, doubtful, whiny, stressed, and untrusting i can be. and that's why i am so thankful that his strength is enough and IS perfect in my weakness. I know this year isn't just about me and my growth, but about HIM and his power displayed through me. It's also about the people ill meet and the teenagers around the country/world ill reach over phone and email.

Right now im still working on getting my uniform together. we have to wear a blue blazer/tan skirt/ and white undershirt for things like orientation and special events. its the first time ever in my life that ill own a uniform.. ever! im kind of excited :) i used to be the one in highschool that would write papers that voted for uniforms. just because i think id be a big fan of not having to wake up wondering what your going to wear or if its clean. and if everyone dresses the same, it gets rid of the the judgemental-ness goes on because of clothes people wear.

Anyways, all is good. God is definitely providing. i prayed tonight for the money to come in and for God to continue to provide because i am now raising money monthly. and right after i got home 2 people told me they donated.  PTL

Well, i better get to bed. i have work in the morning. but ya'll have a blessed night and keep checkin in with me.. its about to get exciting! :P

ps. i came across a really awesome site today. its called .... http://www.givesmehope.com/
its kinda like the FML and MLIA sites. but its all about blogs of stories from people who experienced things that gave them hope. alot of them made me cry. i recommend visiting it. :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

December is going by toooooo fast.

Good afternoon everyone. :)

The weather is beautiful outside. It's the middle of December and I'm definitely under attack. The enemy is constantly doing things to distract me and keep me from my quiet times and being productive. Thats a downfall for me...laziness and procrastination. Two things i fully plan on developing discipline in while i am at the Honor Academy.

i have 13 days left, and each passing day seems to be going by faster and faster... MAKE IT STOP! Pretty soon you'll be reading these blogs and they'll be from me.. at the Honor Academy. Just the thought of that makes me so excited. :) I still have 4,600 left to raise. But I feel like God is now telling me that i need to develop a stronger dependency and faith in him by trusting him to bring the money in each month, instead of having the total amount ready by the time i leave. Which is a huge step for me, because if you dont know, i can be a worry wart when it comes to money. Which, now that i think about it, seems like the perfect situation for God to use. Silly me...
But anyways, so I pray that you who are thinking about supporting me or want to. Please please please keep in prayer about it and when the time is right LET ME KNOW. i dont know how yet to see if anyone has supported me online, so this would help me out alot. Also, if you aren't interested in supporting me financially, no big deal. I totally understand. money is tight this time of year, and I'm not going to beg or guilt trip you guys into supporting me. I know that it's totally God who is going to fund me, and i pray that you guys will respond however the spirit leads you to. So don't feel any pressure if I ask and you say no - It's totally ok :) But one thing you can do, is pray for me. More than anything i need/am going to need lots of prayer, and encouragement. On top of that i want to thank everyone who has been such an encouragement throughout this entire process. You guys mean alot to me. And also a big thank you to you who are keeping up with me on this blog! :)

Have a blessed Christmas, and check back on me here anytime. :)